Contest Blog Post AA

Andrew Antolick
Contest Blog Post

Live from the Barns and Noble in Paramus, New Jersey, Hundred Handed Media will be promoting their new board game Evacuations without End. Members of the staff will be on hand to talk about their new product and organize a raffle to get a free copy of the game. Come between 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. to participate, limit of ten games for the raffle, and limit one per customer.

Date of Event:
January 14, 2015

756 Route 17 South
Paramus, NJ 07652

The Grinch We Need

There is a wikia for Christmas specials with nearly 2800 articles. Out of all the specials that celebrate the chimera that

is Christmas, my favorite is the Grinch. The 1966 one, not the Jim Carry one who did touch on the origins of the Grinch

in all fairness. This was about a bitter soul who was shunned by a society that had toxic cheer coming out of

everywhere, so much so that it erodes the warmth. Following through with a plan to remove the materialism of the

solstice and sow suffering to match his own, our green humbler steals everything while not harming a soul. Finally, the

Grinch could send the sleigh into the gulf, but is so dumbfounded by his failure to break the spirit of whoville, he

becomes indoctrinated into the culture that may have destroyed his kind. Why is there one Grinch? Who knew all

along, indeed.

Image from

If the Grinch struck at the consumerism of the holidays, a Christmas Carol stuck a flag into the idea of who our actions affect.  Consider a blogger who puts all manner of vitriol on because it gets followers and starts flame wars, not caring what people think. He goes at it alone near Christmas because his friends and family drag him down. Until a digital wraith appears, warning of being visited by three advanced intelligence to change his ways or else. The Past shows him recordings of video, audio and social media about the bloggers life, revealing that he started his blog to connect to others. The Present shows via drones what his friends and family are doing without the blogger and what his words do to people online, polarizing them into tribes. Finally the Midfuture reveals that a future where everyone becomes xenophobic nations of one, whit everyone fighting over nothing. The blogger has a change of heart, shuts down his current blog and heads back to his dear ones. A few months later, a new blog comes up detailing ethics to teach artificial intelligence to help better the world.

It is Still Cold Out

In the first semester of 2015 my line up of classes revolves around hardware. By dealing with film, radio, television and

editing, the sheer amount of the technical aspects of making media will bury me. The one class that I look forward to is

Communication Studies and Practice. This basic class will help filter what I want out of my major.

I Want to Build Worlds

When James Cameron was developing his script/bible for the Avatar franchise, he went into more than the lines. A vision of

an extraterrestrial Eden and an urbanized hell that was Earth, each having a rich history. I want to write up worlds for

stories and learning. If I cannot make it into TV or Movies, I can fall into writing for a company who makes tabletop games.

With enough experience under my belt, I could form a company of my own.

Image from

I do fear however that if my works were exposed to the masses, oh the things they would do. My creations would be dissected, judged, parodied, perverted and ultimately lose relevance in the world. Any writer worth their salt knows this and must accept this inevitability for as tastes change, so will the social anchors of future generations. I just hope my work inspires someone to realize that different is natural.

The Indiana Jones is Expired

It was in the blackout of Hurricane Sandy that my family and I cleaned out the refrigerator  and freezer and cleaned it.

The natural order states that everything decays, as such with leftovers, frozen veggies and milk. Most take for granted

that a sorcerer box of cold preservation keeps fresh food and delays it from being tossed out. Now people will have to

make room for the ingredients for a weeks worth of Pilgrim sandwiches.

Continue reading The Indiana Jones is Expired

Do It Yourself Traditions

My Thanksgivings consist of driving up to Connecticut to see family and eat lunch plus dinner. We talk about what

has been happening the past few months and what is happening in current events. Since my mother’s relatives live

in Connecticut, then tend to make most of the food, which include homemade Italian foods. This cycle is not what I

need out of Thanksgiving, what is needed is a chance to make my own traditions.

I would not see my family as they have held me back with notions of “you only have one family,” or “this is a time to connect with others.” I would devout my solo Turkey Day to contemplating what and who I am thankful for in a quasi-religious way. Reject the massive meals, the people you cannot stand and open up to the idea that the little things matter more than the broad strokes of life. I am thankful for air to breath, a roof over my head, a beating heart and the abitility to think, but not my family.

To Find Kind, Dig Up the Past

Being a kind person is supposed to be natural for a social creature, despite what all manner of news tells us. People

are told the are snowflakes, each deserving of basic rights, and we argue over what rights are the true codes of

conduct. White, black, Hispanic, transgender and other-kin, it does not matter if we as humanity can be kind if we

cannot agree where to devout that kindness to. As for my two cents to make the world better, I recommend making

sure everyone sees that there are problems that exist.

Courtesy of

To find a solution, a problem must be acknowledged to exist. Global warming is a myth, there are angels but no aliens

and people can solve problems with a bit of empathy. Oh how I wish that was true, but humanity looks a faded past

while living in a desperate future. Some however go against the grain of greed and care for the future. Such as the

Lifeboat Foundation, who deals with developing ways for humanity to survive advancements in technology that have

the capacity for harm. I hope I am wrong and people have a better capacity for caring for each other, but that fall is

hard and easy to land.

The Wonders of the Atrium

The Atrium is an amazing building for when you want to type out your work. Now why would you hike all the way to another building to work on school? A room is full of distractions, from favorite websites to your roommates. Why work on something that is long and complex, when friends and junk food is down the hall? The Atrium is distraction free, able to print out papers and check email. Perhaps the greatest reason for going to this place as an alternative to the library, is the peace and quite.


The quite alone is worth it to get in some vital reading. From novels to textbooks, you can sit and read away. Or listen to music while studying, but I do not control your study habits.  Just go there for a moment to sit, collect yourself and walk to Hobart Hall without being pelted by weather. What to learn about getting help in writing papers? Then go to the Atrium.

In Booker We Trust

The results are in and New Jersey has been spared from a deluge of patriot red with our new senator, Cory Anthony Booker. Born in Washington DC but raised in Harrington Park New Jersey, he worked his way through to Stanford, Oxford and Yale with degrees in tow. Such titles include a bachelor’s in political science, a Masters in sociology and a doctorate form Yale Law. His rise to politics was not accomplished by his diplomas alone.

Senator Booker’s actions have attracted the most attention, by connecting with people with Twitter, instead of treating them like an amorphous mass of money. The pillars of his fame were his personal investment in reducing crime and establishing economic development for communities of all walks. Now as New Jersey’s first African American Senator, the heart of gridlock awaits him and other souls seeking to accomplish legislation. Stand firm Mr. Booker, New Jersey supports you.